Our friend sin Legally Insane are moving on up and doing some big showsin the coming weeks. This Thursday at the Gathering of the Juggalos,Cleveland with Potluck, and of course, joining us for Sorgstock inJamestown! Tune in and find out what else is up with the LI crew…

On a personal comment on last week’s Marz interview. Holy shit! I had no idea what I was getting into. Either way, Marz was really cool on the phone and we bullshitted about what he was talking about with Violent J and that book (listen to the interview below to find out). JuggaloNews.com had a funny headline of “Marz: Violent J is a Dick” And loads of comments (that got reset early this week, it appears). Everyone has an opinion. I think he was truthful, regardless if he’s just trying to make some noise for his new projects, but the man seemed serious on the matter. I’d love to have Violent J on for a rebuttal, if he was willing, but from the experience of myself and others, Psychopathic is the hardest to get interviews from. Oh well.
But this week, aside from helping get the word out on some colleagues in the rap game, Legally Insane, I got to talk to TJ Laven. BMX rider. MTV show host. Solo artist and beat producer. Another really cool guy that should be an interesting interview.