Mobile gaming has changed with the rise of the Freemium model. I talk about my experiences with WWE Super Card, Crazy Taxi, and others. What Freemium games are you playing? At what point are they annoying, or actually convince you to pay? MP3 DownloadFollow “Good Morning” on iTunes or TalkShoe, or subscribe to EVERYTHING Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher.
The Pokemon Paradigm
I’ve been on this gaming kick! You can also find this and other awesome gaming news and opinion at! I have never played Pokemon. Correction. I have never played REAL Pokemon games. My experience has been watching Pokemon from the sides as my brother was the big Pokemon kid. He had every color of […]
Google Glass Games Are Here
Originally posted as a contribution of When the Nintendo Wii was revealed, it was a game changer. Motion gaming was a new promise and Wii Sports demonstrated that promise greatly. So much so that I found myself in line overnight weeks after its launch. Google Glass captured the imagination in non-gaming ways from the […]
Games For Charity. Again.
A huge congratulations to the team at! Over the weekend, they teamed up with Extra Life to raise well over $1100 for Children’s Miracle Network. This has been one of the cool things with the projects I’ve been involved with. ICTB was a brain storm by Chachi to do a video game site that […]
June LootCrate is here!
That bundle of Geeky Goodness is back! And here’s our unbox! So what did you think? Was it a good stash this month? Did you dig the shirt?