There’s a good bit going on in the last several weeks where I’ve found the shape of my work in 2012 changing, and thankfully, being added onto. While two things are up in the air as of the moment, one opportunity I was happy to be a part of was PWO in Parma, OH this […]
It Came From Google+: You will not keep us down, Xbox!
Recently, there has been a lot of chatter amongst my Modern Warfare 3 co-horts to dive into the Netflix Party feature to watch maybe some wrestling or movies socially. This is sort of a big deal since most of us are scattered across the city of Pittsburgh, Johnstown, or all the way in San Antonio, […]
It Came From Google+: Live Video Capture Tip
Pro Tip Time: Ok, so I have this gig where I need to record a bit of HD footage, but haven’t had the cashflow to get one of those super expensive P2 cards that does more than 4 minutes at the time. A few months ago, I had the fortune to help work on a […]
Steve Jobs is the Vince McMahon of Computers
This was an article I was working on long before Steve’s passing. I’m glad I waited thanks to reading at least half of the biography for some perspective. A while back, I found an article from Fast Company on “10 Things Corporations Can Learn from Pro Wrestling“. This was around the time of the WWDC […]
We’re Still Using Google Hangout
And it’s still fun! Much like my newfound love for Modern Warfar 3 on Xbox has brought some interesting social implications. We continue to do Hangouts during Monday RAW and now WWE Pay per views as of Survivor Series this week. On top of that, everyone had a mustache button! Tremendous. We’ve seen a few […]