It’s coming sooner than you think, and the words are starting to be exchanged betweent he combatants! Here’s the latest lineup! Presented by DDW Prove Yourself MatchBobby Danger vs Lucian X Masked Challenge Match!Ro-Sham-Bo vs The Sparrow Plus Elder Statesman, MexicanJewLizard, Sweaty Snatch, Chupa Thingie and more! SorgStock 2008: Spring Edition June 75:00 PM […]
Wrestling Mayhem Show 117: GQ Money and Bubba the Bulldog
Doc Remedy, Lunchbox and FOTS Missy are in studio and ready to Mayhem! Part 1 We talk to XPW’s GQ Money about the upcoming XPW reunion show, and the Ab Rocket? Part 2 We talk to Pittsburgh legend and B-94 DJ, Bubba the Bulldog about starting IWC, his experiences over his 12 year career, and […]
That’s enough of that…
Really, I just want to watch a wrestling PPV with as little trouble as I can. I could just buy them all, sit at my house with my nice TV, and, y’know, not be able to afford doing anything, because, by my estimate, I would be shelling out almost $600. More, likely, if I bought […]
WTF Was I Thinking Video: Chadawick the Shadawick
March last year, we decided to make a few spots for the Wrestling Mayhem Show. Some, Apple Switch parodies, some commercials, some promos for the upcoming Sorgstock. But sometimes the best things are the impromptu. And there is never any shortage of that with the WMS guys… The bust belongs to Missy. I don’t know […]
WPAJ Interview: Myztery N Sneek and Jury the Clown
Once again, we had a double header of interviews on WPAJ! First up was Myztery and J-Lee of Myztery N Sneek. These guys are doing a lot of stuff around Pittsburgh, and will be featured on the upcoming Sorgstock show in Jamestown, PA June 7! Second, I managed to have a half hour conversation with […]