A friend was asking how to handle vertical video in Final Cut Pro X. We end up with so much of it because of Snapchat, Instagram Stories and other applications, but these videos can be repurposed. There are plenty of apps on iPhone that will handle this, but sometimes you want to do it along […]
Basic Sorganomics: Don’t Do Everything
When you are running a business, you have to make sure you’re not doing everything. Bringing on people that compliment your skills is key. And that’s what we’re doing with Sidekick Media Services andSorgatron Media
Basic Sorganomics: New Studio. New State of Mind.
Discussing the change to the Podcast Studio for Sorgatron Media, using Facebook Live for THIS project and more!
Taking 360 video to scary levels.
From the Sorgatron Media Creators Newsletter List for October 27, 2016. You can Subscribe to it here or read the archive. Recently The Scarehouse released a 360 video we were experimenting with. This was one of a long line of uses for the new technology, in this case, we had on hand the Samsung Gear 360 and Ricoh Theta. […]
Ride the Facebook Wave
From the Sorgatron Media Creators Newsletter List for October 14, 2016. You can Subscribe to it here or read the archive. Last week, we talked about how one company was using Facebook Live around an event to create some engagement and serve their customers. This week, I wanted to talk a little about considering the platform over […]