I remember watching Star Trek with my dad late Saturday nights after SNL or Saturday Night Main Event.I remember the graphics being a little worse than these awesome updated versions on Netflix.I remember that bald freaky alien at the end of the credits scaring the crap out of me.I remember being confused by all of […]
Wrestling Mayhem Show 149: Barely Online in ’09
Plagued by ongoing internet issues, the crew limps into 2009 with show 149. The crew has discussions about Shawn Michaels’ bad day, who you would pay to get an autograph from, Mayhemmy fall out, and all the fan mail you can handle. Not to mention a surly voice mail from an old show guest. This […]
WPAJ Interview: Hip Hop Buffet Cont…
“It’s like Hip Hop Church…” The next Hip Hop Buffet Series show is this Sunday, and to get you geared up, we’re putting out the rest of the interviews from last month’s shows. First off, we had a sit down with the ringleader of the whole thing, DaButtonPusha, to talk about what the series has […]
2008: A Sorg in Review
I thought it was a good time to look back at all we did this past year. Visited New York City for the first time. Twice! Had a great time with the Mayhem Crew heading up to Madison Square Garden for the Royal Rumble, saw Times Square, a scene from Cloverfield, and was introduced to […]
Wrestling Mayhem Show 148 Xtra: 3 Way
The Mayhemmys ran a little long this week, but we definitely wanted to get some time in with Miss Ashley Hoover about her first experience with a live RAW in Massachusetts this past Monday. We eventually are joined by Mad Mike (of the famed Level 5 Podcast) to get his acceptance speech for his Mayhemmy […]