How Are Those New Year’s Resolutions Going?

From the Sorgatron Media Creators Newsletter List for February 1, 2016.  You can Subscribe to it here or read the archive!

This week, Missy Sorg brings our guest post! Missy is our Director of Operations with Sorgatron Media, Inc. and working on setting up some pretty cool project groundwork.   

Now that we’re through the first month of the New Year, we’re starting to see some movement – one way or another – with all of those New Year’s resolutions we made a month or so ago.  Did you find that new job you said you were going to look for?  Are you still going to the gym like you said you were going to?  Did you start that new blog you were going to write?

Just to put things into perspective, did you know that 45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions each year?  Of those people, only 8% keep their resolutions.  If you’re in that 92% that don’t keep resolutions, don’t lose hope.  The fun thing about where we are with the year – it’s still early enough for you to be able to do something to salvage those resolutions that you really, really want to keep versus those that you know are a lost cause.  You just need to determine which ones are worth the effort.

For starters, which resolutions are you doing well with?  By “well” I mean which ones are you succeeding at 90% of the time?  Four weeks into the New Year, if you’re sticking to a 90% success rate, it’s a pretty good sign that what you’re doing has some potential for longevity.  Now, let’s look at the resolutions you’re not really succeeding with.  Which items on your list have you had a 30% or less success rate with?  Generally speaking, those are the items that you either need to write off as unsuccessful or reassess and refocus.  Again – we’re only 1/12 of the way through the year.  We still have plenty of time to turn something around and have it stick for the remaining 11/12 of the year.  You just have to take a different look at it and maybe rework your approach.

What do you want me to cover in future newsletters?  Let me know here! 

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